Ants Control Services in Kenya
ants control services ,,,,Fire Ant Control
The Red Imported Fire Ant is an invasive pest species introduced to the gulf coast states decades ago. Unfortunately, their ability to out-compete most native ant species has led to large areas of the country to face this painful infestation. Although complete fire ant eradication is not possible, recent advancements in product technology and application techniques have allowed homeowners to attain acceptable levels of pest management. That’s where the professionals at Maxforce can help provide ants control services.
Effective Solutions
At Maxforce our trained fire ant specialists have the tools and training necessary to provide the highest level of fire ant control possible. Our specifically tailored programs deliver a twice per year application, typically during the Spring and again in the Fall. Best of all…our programs are guaranteed to work or we’ll come back for FREE! So give Maxforce Experts a call today and get your yard back! You and your family deserve to enjoy your landscape without the fear of the painful fire ant stings. Call us Today and Get Guaranteed services in Kenya
How To Get Rid of Ants
How can I control ants?
Ants are a social insect that lives in colonies. Treatment plans should include killing the entire colony. Just spraying an ant with a typical ant spray, particularly a repellent spray will only kill a few at best and scatter the colony.
Ants may enter your house foraging for food or seek shelter. Understanding the behavior of ants will help you with the recommended pest control procedures outlined here. They enter through the smallest openings, foraging for water or food. They are in search of either sweet based food or protein/grease based foods. Once they find a food source, ants will leave a pheromone trail for other ants to follow.
The most important ants in the United States are Argentine Ants, Carpenter Ants, Crazy Ants, Fire Ants, Ghost Ants, Leafcutter Ants, Odorous House Ants, Pavement Ants and Pharoah Ants. Understanding their behavior patterns will help you achieve the best ant control. When in doubt of which type of ant you have, give us a call.