Rats Control Services.
Mice|| Rats Control Services and prevention in Kenya
We are proud providers of rats control services in Kenya- Mombasa County.
Rodents such as rats, mice and moles are a big problem in Kenya. Maxforce Solutions has an effective solution for eliminating and preventing rodent infestation to your home and family… rats control services
We make use of various trapping techniques and the exclusion of rodents all together.
Mice and rats pose many threats to you, your family and your home. When they take up residence, they rarely travel alone often bringing in fleas, mites, ticks and lice as well. Micro droplets of mouse urine can trigger allergic reactions in children and rats will chew through just about anything when nesting including wiring which can cause fires. They are also known to urinate on and eat stored foods. Both mice and rats can also transmit numerous diseases.
These crafty creatures can enter structures through very tiny openings. A mouse only needs a space the size of a nickel and a rat can squeeze through one the size of a quarter. Additionally, rats are excellent climbers and can make their way into a home through entry points along the roofline as well. Roof Rats were not even found in southern states 20 years ago and now they are one of the most frequent invaders. Once inside, these pests will reproduce rapidly and populations can exceed two hundred rodents within months.
Integrated Pest Management Manual
Tips for Rodent Control :
• Store garbage in metal or heavy plastic containers with tight lids.
• Place trash outside shortly before pickup; don’t leave plastic garbage bags out overnight.
• Remove weeds and debris near buildings and in yards; don’t give rats a place to hide.
• Store opened food in metal or glass containers with tight lids.
• Don’t leave extra pet food out; store it in a secure container.
• Sweep up food remains, litter, and trash inside and outside your home.
• Inspect your basement and house for cracks and holes; seal them with mortar.
• Make sure you have screens on windows; inspect windows and screens for holes.
• Keep outside doors closed; use metal trim to prevent rodents from gnawing and entering underneath.
• Don’t provide hiding places for rodents; store materials such as lumber and boxes on a rack with a clean, open area underneath. Get rid of unused materials and junk.